Grade 1
This year in Project Lead The Way, first graders will work through the modules Animated Storytelling and Light and Sound.
If you would like to see your child's work from Project Lead The Way, please email me at [email protected], and I will send you an invitation to connect with Seesaw. Click here for more information about Seesaw and what it is.
Animated Storytelling
Using an iPad application called Scratch Jr., first grade students learn the basics of coding. First, they work together in groups to play an off-the-iPads game called Rosie's Runtime. While playing Rosie, they learn that everything they want the computer to do has its own instructions and that a computer will only do what it is programmed to do.
Light and Sound
Our second Project Lead The Way module in first grade is centered around light and sound. Students learn about how light and sound work by exploring in a variety of centers. Ultimately, they solve a real-world problem by designing a tool to communicate across a distance using light or sound or both. They use the engineering design process and work with a partner to create a solution for the problem.
This year in Project Lead The Way, first graders will work through the modules Animated Storytelling and Light and Sound.
If you would like to see your child's work from Project Lead The Way, please email me at [email protected], and I will send you an invitation to connect with Seesaw. Click here for more information about Seesaw and what it is.
Animated Storytelling
Using an iPad application called Scratch Jr., first grade students learn the basics of coding. First, they work together in groups to play an off-the-iPads game called Rosie's Runtime. While playing Rosie, they learn that everything they want the computer to do has its own instructions and that a computer will only do what it is programmed to do.
Light and Sound
Our second Project Lead The Way module in first grade is centered around light and sound. Students learn about how light and sound work by exploring in a variety of centers. Ultimately, they solve a real-world problem by designing a tool to communicate across a distance using light or sound or both. They use the engineering design process and work with a partner to create a solution for the problem.