Grade 3
Our third grade classes will be doing two modules this year in Project Lead The Way: Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions and Programming Patterns.
If you would like to see your child's work from Project Lead The Way, please email me at [email protected], and I will send you an invitation to connect with Seesaw. Click here for more information about Seesaw and what it is.
Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions Third graders learn about and apply the design process while investigating simple and compound machines in Project Lead The Way. They collaborate in groups to design and build a machine from Vex parts to rescue a tiger who was trapped in its moat at the zoo. Students find the materials and the content to be engaging and exciting, and their work connects to real-world issues.
Programming Patterns Our second Project Lead The Way module is Programming Patterns. Students use Hopscotch on the iPads to code characters to draw a line, create patterns, use a timer and play a game. Although students code their own games independently, there is a lot of collaboration as they play each other's games, seek advice, and offer each other help.
Our third grade classes will be doing two modules this year in Project Lead The Way: Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions and Programming Patterns.
If you would like to see your child's work from Project Lead The Way, please email me at [email protected], and I will send you an invitation to connect with Seesaw. Click here for more information about Seesaw and what it is.
Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions Third graders learn about and apply the design process while investigating simple and compound machines in Project Lead The Way. They collaborate in groups to design and build a machine from Vex parts to rescue a tiger who was trapped in its moat at the zoo. Students find the materials and the content to be engaging and exciting, and their work connects to real-world issues.
Programming Patterns Our second Project Lead The Way module is Programming Patterns. Students use Hopscotch on the iPads to code characters to draw a line, create patterns, use a timer and play a game. Although students code their own games independently, there is a lot of collaboration as they play each other's games, seek advice, and offer each other help.